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How can you get rid off anti-virus and firewall daemon

Valdemar Posts: 3 Security Scout

Hi all,


I have a client that doesn't want to use internet shield, because it interrupts his work. So he unchecked the Internet Shield module when installing client security 10.  After installation there is a proccess "F-Secure Anti-Virus and Firewall Daemon" which is started and interrupts his work. If he stops the proccess client security stops working and want that proccess running Smiley Sad 


How to solve this problem, any ideas. 






  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    > I have a client that doesn't want to use internet shield, because it interrupts his work. So he unchecked the Internet Shield module when installing client security 10.


    The user should not try to gut FSAV Client Security 10, but rather use the purposefully Internet Shield-less, no personal firewall product package, which is called "FSAV for Workstations 10"!


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, 2F 2000, Hungary.

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