Problem after installation on windows 7

M-Tecn Posts: 5 Security Scout

Hi everybody.


When I install PSB 9.30 on PC with windows 7, happen something strange: before installation \\PC-name find and open correctly "the connection".

After installation \\PC-name not function but if I use \\PC-IP yes.

There is something in "name resolution" only with 7 that not function.


So if I put in file host name and IP of PC and server all is ok.. but I want to understand why this happen.






  • Costas-Inter
    Costas-Inter Posts: 35 Security Scout

    Do you mean that your

    PSB - Win7 PC does not resolve other PCs or other PCs do not resolve your PSB-Win7 workstation?


    What about rest of the sharing? (file sharing/printer sharing) Does it work?




  • M-Tecn
    M-Tecn Posts: 5 Security Scout

    Thanks for replay!!


    My PSB-Win7 PC not resolve the name of other PC (\\Server or \\NamePc NO GOOD but \\ GOOD)


    All return OK, if I turn off firewall.





  • M-Tecn
    M-Tecn Posts: 5 Security Scout

    Fantastic, Just what I wanted!!


    I will try, is thank you very much.



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