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Word opening from asp page Not work after upgrade Anti-virus from 9.32 to 10

TWONG Posts: 14 Security Scout

We just upgrade from 9.32 to 10


We have a custom program to load a html into Word for printing receipt


so far, OK running under 9.32


however, after upgrade version 10, the Word will fail after opening 1st receipt.


We need to reboot the computer for printing another receipt.


Now i only to remove f-secure program for printing receipt.


Any help please.  thx.


    TWONG Posts: 14 Security Scout

    the client is XP sp3, IE8, Word 2007

    TWONG Posts: 14 Security Scout

    i have downloaded the doc (html) to local drive


    the doc can open once and then doc will be hanged up at next open.


    sometimes i can open doc but the images in the doc are gone.


    the images are some html link images.


    is it possible that f-secure v.10 blocks the html images?  Thanks.

  • Siltanen
    Siltanen Posts: 47 Digital Defender

    Hello TWONG,


    The hotfix mentioned is now available at our public website at:

    TWONG Posts: 14 Security Scout

    My version is Anti-virus for workstation 10


    Your path is client security


    is it same hotfix?  Thanks.

  • Siltanen
    Siltanen Posts: 47 Digital Defender

    Hello TWONG,


    In that case I suggest you open a support ticket with us. You can do it from the following address:


    Please remember to include FSDIAG diagnostics file with the request.

This discussion has been closed.
