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F-Secure Device Control Daemon & Cisco AnyConnect conflict

fossehs Posts: 13 Security Scout

Dear F-Secure Development Team,


I have been testing the latest F-Secure Client Security 11.0 suite of protection and found a major problem.  We use Cisco AnyConnect software - specifically - anyconnect-win-3.1.03103-pre-deploy-k9 and find it crashes F-Secure Device Control Daemon and stops the service even after a restart.


The Cisco AnyConnect service is set to Manual and still crashes F-Secure Device Control Daemon.

The F-Secure Device Control software version is 1.00.17491.


The earlier version of F-Secure Client Security 9.x did not cause any conflict with the same version of Cisco AnyConnect.

Please advise as I cannot rollout this latest version without this being resolved.


Kind Regards



  • Dmitriy
    Dmitriy Posts: 179 Threat Terminator



    Please open a support ticket regarding this issue and provide FSDiag report.

  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    You can Create an FSCS 10/11 installation package by omitting the Device Control module in the Poicy Manager Console's package export wizard.


    Alternatively, use the "F-Secure Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 10/11" product does not have Device Control and Internet Shield included in the package.


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

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