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reset-admin-account.bat , how to download it

alexferro Posts: 3 Security Scout



How can I download reset-admin-account.bat ?


Thanks, alexferro


  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Alexferro,


    You normally should be able to find this tool directly on your Policy Manager Server  under <F-Secure installation folder>\Management Server 5\bin\reset-admin-account.bat


    Thank you

  • alexferro
    alexferro Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Hi Ben,


    I don't have reset-admin-account.bat into path you write me!!!


    Mhmmm.... I seek it into my HD, but I don't find it!


    Thanks, alexferro

  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Alexferro,


    Could precise the version of your Policy manager Server?

    Do you have some other specific issue or reason for which you want to use this tool (apart from reseting the account)?


    Thank you

  • alexferro
    alexferro Posts: 3 Security Scout

    I have installed F-Secure Policy Manager 9.00


    I need to logon into F-Secure Policy Manager as admin but I forgot password.


    Thanks, alexferro

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