Email and Server Security 10.00 Exchange 10 GB required disk space

primavera Posts: 6 Security Scout

Hy Folks,


i want to install the Server Security 10 on my Exchange Server but i don't have 10 GB free space and its hard to free the disc so is there a Problem when i only have less space (at the moment about 7GB) with the installation and when its running ?




  • primavera
    primavera Posts: 6 Security Scout

    someone knows the answer?

  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Primavera,


    As they are minimum requirements, if you install on the machine not matching them you might at least expect performance issue. Also we won't be able to support your installation if any other problem appear.


    However we cannot provide you with an exhaustive list of possible issues.

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