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ESS 10: Aquarius Warning

hilotec Posts: 1 Security Scout

I updated a customer to ESS 10 (SBS 2008, Exchange 2007) and activated notification in case of warnings and above. Since the update I get 4-5 messages a day with:

Product: F-Secure Content Scanner Server (OID:
Severity: warning (2)
Message: F-Secure Aquarius stopped.


Do I need to worry? In case this is an expected behaviour, why is it a warning and not informational?






  • SeanV
    SeanV Posts: 19 Cyber Knight

    Dear hilotec,


    We might need more information to further analyze the issue. Please feel free to contact our support team and provide more information so that our Technical Expert can analyze the case and give you a solution. Below is the link to contact our support team :-

    Do contact us again should you need further assistance.


    Best Regards,
    Sean Veloo

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