Attachment 'Unknown' dropped by E-mail and Server Security v10

fossehs Posts: 13 Security Scout

Dear F-Secure experts

The new E-mail and Server Security v10 is dropping read receipts as an unknown attachment on inbound email.

Exchange 2010 SP3 UR3 is the server on W2K8 R2 SP1


How can I allow read receipts to be accepted and where do I turn off the option of unknown attachment.

Kind Regards




Date: 2013-09-30  14:15:35+01:00

Host: server.local ( Computer name: server User account: SYSTEM

Product: F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange (OID:

Severity: warning (2)

Message: The following attachment has been stripped:



 Subject: Read: Golf This Friday (27/9/13)

 Folder: N/A

 File name: Unknown

 File size: 181 bytes

 Reason: Attachment 'Unknown' matches 'Disallowed Files' stripping condition; Real type: application/octet-stream; description: DOS/Windows batch file or script; extensions: bat cmd vbs

 Action: Dropped

 Quarantine ID: 543



  • Asky
    Asky Posts: 2 W/ Former Staff

    Hello Paul,


    this is known issue when short files can be recognized as a script file, and we're preparing a hotfix to address this problem right away. You can expect hotfix published early next week.


    Sorry for any inconveniences caused,

    Artem Pavlov.


This discussion has been closed.
