Anti-Virus For Exchange Spam Filter

StrangerFTN Posts: 1 Security Scout



Our spam filter is not working the way we would like it to.

We have a whitelist and a blacklist, and for the most part, it works just fine, but there are some emails that keeps getting stuck in the filter even though they are whitelisted. 


They are different kinds of emails, one is from an airline auto-ticket system (receipt) and contains a .pdf document and the other is from a lms-system (the lms sends the email on behalf of a user, and the email does contain a hyperlink).


So we have declared bot the domain and the email sender itself as safe senders.



This has been done for both the domains, but the messages still keeps on getting stuck. 

Any suggestions?



  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    I think there is a stage of spam filtering (real-time blacklist based bouncing?) which happens before whitelist is checked.


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher from Hungary.

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