Clinet security premium - software updator

Jedflash Posts: 22 Security Scout



I run PM 11 and am in the process of testing out CSP 11 and mainly the new software updator service.


I cannot seem to get the updator service installed.  I have tried install CSP 11 directy onto the client but when i install it does not give me the option to tick software updator ( if this is actually an option). 


If i add the update to the PM 11 sever i am uable to upgrade any 9 or 10s to version 11?


Anyway any ideas?


  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Jedflash,


    Please refer to the following thread.


    "Upgrade using MSI is a correct way."


    Also be sure to use the following correct .jar file as base.


    Thank you.

  • Jedflash
    Jedflash Posts: 22 Security Scout



    Thanks for you help.


    How can i upgarde using MSI?  is this possible to do within F-secure?





  • Jayson
    Jayson Posts: 106 Firewall Master

    Hi Jedflash,

    Client Security 11 Premium is a different product  than CS 9.x, CS 10.x and CS 11.x standard therefore it is not an "upgrade" scenario here, you will only get the upgrade option if you are try to upgrade CS 9.x or CS 10.x to CS 11.00 Standard edition.

    Import the jar package into PMC then export it to a MSI package. Kindly find more details for  software distributions with Policy Manager in the Admin Guide under chapter 3.4.1 Push installations and 3.4.3 Local installation and updates with pre-configured packages.


    Best Regards,

  • Jedflash
    Jedflash Posts: 22 Security Scout

    Great, Thanks for this info.  Problem solved.

  • Jedflash
    Jedflash Posts: 22 Security Scout



    The installation worked but the software updator module did not install.


    I used the Push installation and when running through the setup on the server the software updator function was ticked.


    The installation worked and reported no errors but checking in fsecure and or contorl panel this function was not installed.


    Any further help would be great.



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Jedflash,


    Please, make sure, that you are using correct Premium keycode.


    Best regards,


  • Jedflash
    Jedflash Posts: 22 Security Scout

    Can you confirm if the code is different to version 11 standard?


    I enter the code and it does not complain, software update is still ticked and the installation complete without an error



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Yes, the keycodes for Standard and Premium are different. PMC can't determine if you are providing a keycode for correct product or not. It just validates the keycode, and provides a possibility to select all modules included in the package. But during the installation you will not get Software Updater module installed if you entered Standard keycode in PMC.


    Best regards,


  • Jedflash
    Jedflash Posts: 22 Security Scout

    Thank you this makes sense.  I will get back to you when i obtain the new code from our Software team

This discussion has been closed.
