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Support for Microsoft Windows 8.1

Peter Posts: 127 Threat Terminator

Hello All,


Microsoft launched the Microsoft Windows 8.1 operating system. Related to this news, here is an update on the support for this particular operating system with our Corporate products.


We were testing our existing products on the operating system and we did not find any major problems. So you can install and run the following products:


Microsoft Windows 8.1

-          F-Secure Client Security 11.00

-          F-Secure AV for Workstation 11.00

-          F-Secure PSB for Workstations 10.00


Official support notice in the release notes will be given for the upcoming releases.



  • Blackcat
    Blackcat Posts: 8 Threat Terminator



    so F-Secure corporate products are fully compatible with IE11?


    I only ask this as the Home products appear to be incompatible at the present time with this browser;

  • China-Dragon
    China-Dragon Posts: 5 Security Scout

    Hello Peter,


    I am not so sure about your statement. I've upgraded my Laptops from Windows 8 Enterprise to Windows 8.1 Enterprise (English version) ... and all my pc show in the Action Center problems with the Virus Security (FSCS is turned off).


    I have FSCS 11 installed (Version Info see below) - it is not possible to open the config windows and when I activate FSCS in the Action Center and try to open FS configuration - the program stops working. 


    F-Secure Client Security 11.00 build 332

    F-Secure Anti-Virus 9.50
    F-Secure Automatic Update Agent 8.35 build 109
    F-Secure User Interface 9.34 build 11920
    F-Secure Management Agent 8.50 build 43
    F-Secure ORSP-Client 1.0.25 build 2275
    F-Secure Network connections 6.29?
    F-Secure Email Scanner 6.00 build 533
    F-Secure DeepGuard 5.0 build 309
    F-Secure Online Help 1.98 build 1120
    F-Secure Anpassung CS/1.30.01
    F-Secure Web Traffic Scanner 3.00 build 909
    F-Secure Browser-Schutz 2.00 build 492
    F-Secure Internet Shield 6.29
    F-Secure Gerätesteuerung 1.00 build 17491
    F-Secure Microsoft NAP-Plug-in 1.00 build 266




  • Siltanen
    Siltanen Posts: 47 Digital Defender

    Hello China-Dragon,


    Can you take an FSDIAG from the problematic workstation and create a support ticket about the issue?


    You can open a new support ticket at:


    Instructions on creating an FSDIAG file can be found at:




  • Lamby
    Lamby Posts: 2 Security Scout

    I test it and PSB 10 is not running under Win 8.1. only when Win 8.0 is installed. then install PSB 10 an the make the update to windows 8.1 fromn MS store an it will run. This is the only way to run PSB unde win 8.1.

    Regard Frank

  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    > I test it and PSB 10 is not running under Win 8.1


    There is now an FSAV PSB 10.10 build 177 for Windows Workstations download package in the PSB1 webportal.


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, 2F 2000 kft., Hungary.

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