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Software updater problems

Jaro Posts: 21 Security Scout



I have set software updater to manual - ask user - restart in 8 hours


Today I accepted 4 updates - after a while the clients got the Fsecure information window with option "Restart" as default. They can choose between delay 30min (max99) and restart. Users usuallly click Ok and the computer restarts - after a while same thing - 2nd restart then 3rd restart and then fourth.


1) Why a restart after every patch and not one at the end?

2) Is it possible to set the option from "restart" to "remind in xx minutes" as default?

3) If I don´t want the user to know about the updates, should I then choose "force restart" instead of ask user. Then the computer will restart automatically in 8 hours (or whatever I choose)


Please advice


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Jaro,


    Please, specify what F-Secure product(s) / version(s) do you have? Are you using CS or PSB?


    Best regards,


  • Jaro
    Jaro Posts: 21 Security Scout


    CS 11 premium

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

       1) Why a restart after every patch and not one at the end?


    If you selecte 4 updates together in PMC, and then distribute policy, you should have only one reboot request in the end of this 4 patches installtion procedure. We need support tool (fsdiag) information collected on affected host(s), to check what went wrong in your case. Please, contact support.


       2) Is it possible to set the option from "restart" to "remind in xx minutes" as default?


    Unfortunately, it is not possible in this release.


       3) If I don´t want the user to know about the updates, should I then choose "force restart" instead of ask user. Then the computer will restart automatically in 8 hours (or whatever I choose)


    If "Force restart" is selected, the restart will happen immediately after the installation of patches is completed. What is the reason to postpone it, if you can't predict how much time the installation will take?


    Best regards,



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