Linux Policy Manager Server 10.20.46574 for Windows Antivirus for Workstations clients

singer Posts: 2 Security Scout

Recently I installed on my Debian 64bit server:

FS Automatic Update Agent 8.26.5592 32bit,

FS Policy Manager Server 10.20.46574 64bit


and on Windows station, Policy Manager Console v10


I succesfuly connected to server, imported Antivirus for Workstations package, exported preconfigured version and installed it on a Windows client.


It looks like server is working well, updates also; host module port is open, admin module port is open. Unfortunately after installation of client AV, it can not complete. After rebooting AV says "definitions are very old" and -wait for installation to complete - without any results. Manualy checking for update claims that update check went OK and the product is already up to date. (but isn't)


Policy Manager Console shows a client is connecting and geting actual policy...and that it has old definitions. On the Console, in Operations/update virus definitions i see "Status: in progress on `Root`" -without results Smiley Sad


Please, help


  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    If F-Secure AV client is the old version 9, then you need a hotfix. See:



    Best Regards: Tamas Feher from Hungary.

  • singer
    singer Posts: 2 Security Scout

    The clients are the newest possible, 11.00.


    Anyway I noticed, that the clients are updating ok, while outside my network. So the problem is laying in PMS configuration (or maybe firewall?).


    Lets make it clear (I might be wrong):

    Clients are connecting PMS on just one TCP port, where they get the most recent policy and definition updates from. That port is served by "java" process.

    In the meantime AUA on server is getting new updates from upper-level server, according to its configuration. Then it's pushing the updates to PMS to make them reachable by clients.

    What for there's an AUS running and listening on other TCP port? ("bwserver" process). Should I open that port for clients, or maybe forward it somehow?

  • AndyY
    AndyY Posts: 14 Cyber Knight

    Dear singer,


    With regards to your problem, I would suggest you to open a Support Ticket:


    Once you have open a SRID kindly update me so that I can help to solve your issue.


    Best Regards,
    Andy Yoon

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  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master



    The jetty on PMS is only port-translating (proxying) the requests that arrive on the host port (80) to the port the fsbwserver is listening to.

    AFAIK fsbwserver is only listening to and not any other interface.


    Concerning your problem: does it reproduce on a second workstation?

    What version of FSAV did you install?

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