How many licensies includes in F-S/Int+Mob packet for 2 devices ? They sayed that 4 devices. True?

Timoteus Posts: 1 Security Scout
Oh, I am sorry. Whole question is there in "subject" -area. I was positively suprised today when F-S support told me that. Absolutely cheap: 4 devices and only 49,90 €. Is it so: "2=4" ? Thank you for answering. Timoteus


  • Hailan
    Hailan Posts: 11 Cyber Knight

    Hi Timoteus,


    In order to ensure clarity on this matter, if you are referring to the offer here , that offer is definitely only for 2 devices Total, hence 1 computer and 1 mobile or 2 computer's or 2 mobiles. I am sorry that you received misleading information on the total amount of devices licenses available.

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