Disable F-Secure Tray Icon on Citrix

ra Posts: 3 Security Scout

Hi there,


I'm searching for a possibility to hide or disable the F-Secure Tray Icon on Citrix servers.

The Citrix users with own Desktops should not be able to see it.


When stopping FSM32.exe the icon disappears, but I guess the server isn't protected anymore, right?





  • ra
    ra Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Hello Vad,


    that sounds great. Thanks for your help and quick response.


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Unfortunately, I forget about two things, sorry.

    - If fsm32.exe is not running the user can't start scanning of file/folder for viruses from right mouse button context menu.

    - Alerts about detected viruses/spyware will not be visible for the user. They will be still delivered to Policy manager and other configured destinations.


    Best regards,


  • ra
    ra Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Hmm.. ok that's a pity, but I can live with that.

    Thanks again for your help. Smiley Happy



  • Dmitriy
    Dmitriy Posts: 179 Threat Terminator

    I would actually discourage you to stop FSM32.EXE. As Vad explained, certain functionality of the product will be broken and we can't guarantee that it will affect only the on-demand scanning and virus notifications. If you really want to hide F-Secure icon in the system tray, then consider using Windows group policy settings for the Start menu and taskbar. Check Microsoft TechNet and other IT related forums for more details.


    Also, please note that in the latest server releases you can control if and how many simultaneous scan tasks end users can run on a terminal server to avoid performance degradation.

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