Scheduled Task Stops

Laurent83 Posts: 4 Security Scout

Good Afternoon,


F-Secure Internet Security 11.50.309 was remote installed on some computers : the scheduled tasks which is supposed to start scanning ends up with this message :


The process terminated unexpectedly 0x8007042B


Is anyone knows how to fix the problem ?




  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Laurent83,


    First of all, I think you are talking about Client Security, right?


    There could be multiple reasons for such issue, like:


    - old version of PM (only PM 11.10 fully supports CS 11.50)

    - incorrect SVCE configuration, etc.

    We need diagnostic information collected from affected computer(s) to find the root. Please, contact support.


    Best regards,


  • Laurent83
    Laurent83 Posts: 4 Security Scout



    I just install the PM 11.10 and push install of CS 11.50 on my own computers.


    It's worse, F-Secure crash and i have a red cross on it : In status it says Virus Search & Sheduled Tasks are in error (sorry it's a french user interface and i don't know what is the english for those options)


    I already contact support three times, at the third attempt i was asking to send a fsdiag => no answer until i have done it.





  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Could it be so, that you select Offload Scanning Agent (OSA) module during CS 11.50 installation, and didn't configure the Scanning and Reputation Server (SRS) for it? Installation of OSA module on the client requires correctly configured SRS server.


    Best regards,


  • Laurent83
    Laurent83 Posts: 4 Security Scout

    Good Afternoon,


    The problem for F-Secure with errors with a red cross on icon is fixed.


    I'm back with the Scheduled Tasks which is still with the same issue : The process terminated unexpectedly 0x8007042B




  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader



    Anyway, we need support tool report from affected host to analyze the situation. Please, contact support. We can't find the root without details.


    Best regards,


  • Laurent83
    Laurent83 Posts: 4 Security Scout

    Good afternoon


    I agree but i send the FSDIAG to the support monday and ask what was the status wednesday, no answers. That is the reason i post on this thread.



  • Siltanen
    Siltanen Posts: 47 Digital Defender

    Hello Laurent83,


    I wasn't able to locate your support ticket from our ticketing system. Can you post the SR ID number from the autoreply you received via email when you opened a ticket towards us?

This discussion has been closed.
