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AV for MS Exhange big problem

Bedullah MyAccount Posts: 1 Security Scout



I caused a mess when doing a manual scan on my Exchange Server. I had accidently put stip attachemnts setting to "Unsafe Files" which has caused that all mailboxes have been stripped of practically all attachements.


Is there any way to "undo" this operation. I am capable to release content from quarantine but because of the huge amount of attachemnts linked to files with severeal maiboxes this just doenst help much.


So... is there any way I could release all attachements to their original messages to original mailboxes?


If not... what action would you recommend to minimize the harm to users?


  • klauzser
    klauzser MyAccount Posts: 12 Security Scout

    It seems like you have to work on it from start since there is no such option for undoing what you just did. Will check on other options and to enable strip attachments. image

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