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cache.001,cache.002 and so on...

suhadi Posts: 5 Security Scout

hi, i am using f-secure client security 9 . i want to know is it safe to delete file name cache.001 and so on in c:\program files\f-secure\anti-virus\aquarius\core. it takes about 200 MB in my hdd space.


  • suhadi
    suhadi Posts: 5 Security Scout

    thanks a lot....

  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master



    800 MB is too little free space!

    During signature download FSAUA is inserting the downloaded differentials into the existing file-set. This process can need an other 500MB for a short moment!


    A Clinet Security 9.20 currently occupies 834 MB (no update running) and the size is constantly increasing due to the size of the signatures. 1GB is most likely to be reached in Q1/12!


    Requirements should be set to 1,5 GB !




  • suhadi
    suhadi Posts: 5 Security Scout

    thats a lot of space..



  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master


    but you want to be protected from a lot of malware:


    BTW: Same problem with almost all vendors. Have a look at the other satistics as well..





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