Reporting using 3rd party reporting apps

suhadi-pbg Posts: 8 Security Scout



I want to know how to connect to the H2 db to the 3rd party reporting apps. I'm trying to use jdbc connection but don't know exact connection string to connect to live H2 db.




  • suhadi-pbg
    suhadi-pbg Posts: 8 Security Scout

    i'll try that. thank you so much..

  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    Is this solution still valid? The "official" knowledge base says:

    To enable H2 Database Console, set this property to "true": h2ConsoleEnabled


    Do both of these settings refer to the same thing?


    Thanks in advance: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

  • suhadi
    suhadi Posts: 5 Security Scout
    nope. the one you mentioned refer to enabling h2 db console. the one above refer to using 3rd party app to connect directly to h2db.
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