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OSA on server with multiple IP addresses

PerHam Posts: 8 Security Scout



I'm testing the offload scanning function introduced in the latest version of Server Security. It works as expected on all servers except one. The only difference is that this server has multiple IP addresses. Could this be the reason for the offload scanning being unavailable?

I have been looking for a setting on the client to set bindings but have not found any.


Any ideas?





  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello PerHam,


    We don't expect any issues with offload scanning caused by multiple IP addresses on the server.

    Please, contact support. We need more detailed information for investigation.


    Best regards,


  • PerHam
    PerHam Posts: 8 Security Scout

    Hello Vad,


    Thanks for your reply. I'll do some more testing first and if not successfull I'll contact support.


    Best regards,



  • Hailan
    Hailan Posts: 11 Cyber Knight

    Hello PerHam


    Thanks for getting back to us and clarifiying the problem. Happy to hear that your issue is now resolved.





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