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Include F-secure Client Security 9.20 on a reference computer (Wim-file, MDT, WDS)

larsg31 MyAccount Posts: 1 Security Scout



I'am setting up a reference computer with Win7pro x64 sp1 + Office 2207 and some std programs. I also installed F-secure.

9.20. Later i rolled out the image on 2 new computers and they got the same UID. It did'nt help to run Resetuid either.

We have F-secure Policy Magager 10 for central administration.


What do i have todo? it would had been nice to include F-secure in the image also.


Best Regards



  • mrfusion
    mrfusion Posts: 7 Security Scout

    Hi, tested with the same configuration, but i used the smbios. The cloned pc got another uid.


    So can we add the 9.20 on a "master", then clone the image?

  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master



    please always use SMBIOS ID. If you installed 9.20 on top of an existing master with an old F-Secure that was using UID then the UID will stay in use (and be the same when using the image).


    Use FSMAUTIL from commandline to get a list of options.


    If you still have the same SMBIOS IDs please open a support ticket so that R&D can exclude those BIOSes from automatic generation.




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