Cannot create a new profile in PSB profile Editor

Andrejko Posts: 4 Security Scout


the (latest software version,) latest browser version (IE,FF), latest java (not 8) and something I cannot remember how I have done it.


I can see my old years ago created profile in editor, edit it and so on.


But I cannot create a new one (see attached pic).12. 6.png

Please, give advice. Thanks.


  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Andrejko,


    According to your screenshot, you are currently editing a profile("Office-GD"). 

    In order to create a new profile, you will need to publish the changes made(CTRL+P).


    The option to create a new profile will then not be greyed out anymore.

  • Andrejko
    Andrejko Posts: 4 Security Scout


    but thats the problem. I cannot end to edit the edited one. I can push the second button, or press CTRL+P, but nothing changes status of being edited profile ....



    P.S.: In Profiles we have a choice to export a profile, but in Profile Editor we have no choice to import a profile. It is correct, or only I miss something?

  • Jayson
    Jayson Posts: 106 Firewall Master

    Hi Andrejko,


    In case you cannot publish changes made in profile (Ctrl+P), please try discard changes made in profile (Ctrl+D) then edit the selected profile (Ctrl+E) again.


    To create new profile, you would need to first select an existing profile on which to base the new profile then press the [+] icon.




    Best Regards,

  • Jayson
    Jayson Posts: 106 Firewall Master

    Hi Andrejko,


    The exported profile is the configuration data file for the selected profile, it is normally uses for troubleshooting purpose. There is no importing profile option. 




    Best Regards,

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