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3rd Party reporting Tools

MakLeo Posts: 7 Security Scout


How to integrate f-secure PM 11.00 H2db to "Microsoft Access" or any other 3rd Party tools.

I am using FSPM 11.00 on Win server 2008 R2 x64





  • MetaltexItalia
    MetaltexItalia Posts: 3 Security Scout

    I think it's not possible but I'm very interested to this question

  • Pekko
    Pekko Posts: 13 Cyber Knight

    Hello MakLeo,


    I am afraid that this is not officialy supported. H2DB is only to be used with Policy Manager. Any other way of accesing it could result in damage and data loss and it is not possible to ensure we would be able to recover the info.




  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Keeping in mind the above warning, please refer to the following thread for more information concerning 3rd party integration.

  • MakLeo
    MakLeo Posts: 7 Security Scout

    hi pekko


    But tell me if i wanted FSPM's clients logs with SIEM tools etc then how it can be done?

  • skeeter
    skeeter Posts: 1 Security Scout

    also interested.  if its not possible to access the data directly, is there a way to export the data out in a usable format (text, csv)?

  • MakLeo
    MakLeo Posts: 7 Security Scout


    Nothing worked for me. Txt or CSV will work only in manual mode.

This discussion has been closed.
