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java error when trying to install Client Security 11 in Windows 8.1

casaIT Posts: 1 Security Scout

When double clicking the downloaded client security jar nothing happens.

When trying to execute it from command line via:

java -jar fscs-11.**.****.jar

the following error occurs:

no main manifest attribute, in fscs-11.**.****.jar


any ideas?




  • Pekko
    Pekko Posts: 13 Cyber Knight

    Hi casaIT,


    if what you need is an installer you can import the jar to the Policy Manager console and esxport it as an MSI file. Please check the admin guide that was posted on the previous message.

  • Shahrir
    Shahrir Posts: 9 Cyber Knight

    Dear casaIT,

    I would like to follow up on the issue that you have reported. Do let us know if you are still facing the same issue.

This discussion has been closed.
