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Configure IP Failover

Piassa Posts: 23 Security Scout

Good afternoon,

I'm having a problem with the IP configuration of my MSG servers in my server environment hired.

Due specifies a failover configuration required by the need to set up my MSG service provider with the following settings.





but as you can see it will not accept.



How should I proceed?


  • Federico
    Federico Posts: 29 Cyber Knight

    Hi Piassa,


    The error message indicates the IP address which you have assigned as a gateway can't be reached based on the IP address assigned to the appliance and the current netmask.


    The netmask seems to be wrong, having a netmask of allows communication only with itself. There should also be another gateway, one which has an IP address likely close to the appliance's current IP.



  • Piassa
    Piassa Posts: 23 Security Scout



    These settings were passed through the support of the cloud contracted service, unfortunately I know that theoretically this information does not comunicacam, but this is how your setup works. There is the possibility to configure the software with the proposed configuration in the post?


    best regards,


    Marlon Piassa

  • Chrissy
    Chrissy Posts: 40 Digital Defender
    Hey Piassa!

    Since this is quite an old post, and there doesn't seem to be a solution, I wanted to check in on you and see if you still needed help? Can you please let us know if you're still having this problem, or if you managed to figure something out?
This discussion has been closed.
