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Expedite Status Readings?

youngj Posts: 14 Security Scout

Somewhat novice to the use of your relatively new Client Security Premium 11 and Policy Manager Console.   


Looking for a way to expedite/initiate  fresh status' of the clients in need of Software Updates.  I find our PMC too slow in reflecting changes to workstation's F-Secure status and need to know if I can simply force a fresh look at a given client(s) Software Update status.  If not at the PMC level, can the client itself be forced to take a fresh look at what it needs in the way of Windows/Adobe/Java, etc. updates and report it back to PMC?


Perfect example is the urgent Adobe Flash Player update upon on now.  Upon a given client realizing an older Flash update, I need to turn around and push/expedite the next  update it's due but it sits on its last known status for quite some time.


Thanks for any advice.


  • youngj
    youngj Posts: 14 Security Scout

    Thank you.  To clarify, these are third-party updates i.e. Windows/Java/Adobe, correct?  As opposed to the F-Secure system updates themselves to the F-Secure client?  These two types of updates are easy to confuse and hard to describe/distinguish for me.

  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    As these settings are located on the software updater branch, they are meant for the third-party updates.



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