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Client Security 9.20

flack Posts: 1 Security Scout

Question: We have couple of  computers which we have installed CS9.20 client - when starting computer there's popup: "policy.bpf did not pass signature verification, the file may have been manuualy modified. If the problem persists,
please contact the system administrator"


admin keys have not been changed and this occurs only on few computers.

What could be wrong, and is the only solution to uninstall client and then client again, or is there some other solution to this one?





  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master



    there seems to be a conflict with the Admin-keys.


    What PM Version do you work with?


    On the Client copy the file admin-pub from a working and a non working PC to a safe place and do abinary compare. Are they the same?


    in CMD:

    net stop fsma

    net stop fsghks

    ren admin.old


    <place a copy of the working >


    reboot the machine


    Report back



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