fscs-11.60.284 consuming the ram

boboboi Posts: 12 Security Scout

It  was on FSCS 11.51 yesterday I have uninstalled it then installed the fscs-11.60.284.jar I have updated the client many times any rebooted the system many times, then later the fscs process was using around 220mb of private memory, such amount is huge to that system since it has 2gb ram only. I've uninstaleed it and waiting for another idea.


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello boboboi,


    Please, contact support. We need more information about the problem to find the root cause.

    There is no fscs process in Client Security. Maybe it was fssm32.exe?


    Best regards,


  • AndyY
    AndyY Posts: 14 Cyber Knight

    Dear boboboi,

     May we know whether your issue is resolved or not? If it is still not resolved, kindly PM me your case number to check on it for you.

    Best Regards,
    Andy Yoon

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  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    > It  was on FSCS 11.51 yesterday I have uninstalled it then installed the fscs-11.60.284.jar


    Why did you do that, instead of in-place upgrade? Completely unnecessary and uninstalling probably messed something up.


    In case of centralized control (Policy Manager), one can just flip the version upgrade command in the console and the endpoints will do that.


    When console is not available, an unofficial workaround exists for the local computer. Rename the JAR file to ZIP and unpack it, with settings to preserve the internal directory structure. Then enter the program/inst folder and run "setup.exe" there, with full admin credentials. (Please note: even with this trick, it is not possible to avoid the mandatory use of centralized management connection in FSAVCS 10 and higher versions.)


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

  • boboboi
    boboboi Posts: 12 Security Scout

    fssm32.exe Memory Info:

    Hard Fault/sec 0

    Commit (KB) 223.772

    Working Set (KB) 52.924

    Shareable (KB) 11.088

    Private (KB) 41.836


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