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No Scanners Available

hussainbah Posts: 12 Security Scout

having F-Secure Policy Manager Console 11.22.56488 as a new installation on virtual server.

- Installed 2 windows 7 clients (F-Secure Client Security 11.60)

- one client Windows 2008 (F-Secure Server Security 11.01)


The installation was successful but have the following problems:

- All clients Windows 7 and Windows 2008 are having a problem

"No Scanners Available"

"No scanners engines loaded virus protection is disabled"

in the status of Real-time scanning its disabled while I set the setting to be enabled!!!

- scanning reports are working fine also.

- I cannot install hot fixes for both Windows 7 clients remotely or via export from PMC

- I cannot install hot fix 02 for windows 2008 clients remotely or via export from PMC while I was able to install hot fix 01 via export from PMC only



I don't know what I have set wrong, please help me to resolve it or guide me through the problem.


thanks in advance


  • hussainbah
    hussainbah Posts: 12 Security Scout

    The "offload scanning agent" is installed in the client as shown below

     Clients SW


    The client interface is showing the following error as well it might be related to the same issue


    Clients SW Interface



    while in the server installation the following sw are available


    Server SW


    problem is still exist and unable to manually scan same error appear


    Thanks for your reply and thanks again in advance for your reply


    Best regards,


  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Are these machines Physical or Virtual machines?

  • hussainbah
    hussainbah Posts: 12 Security Scout

    The server is Virtual machine based on VMware while clients are physical machine

  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Unfortunately if you are using physical clients, they should be completely cleaned(uninstalled in order to remove OSA) and reinstalled without the Offload scanning Agent.


    As stated : Offload scanning Agent(OSA) should be used on virtual machines and with a Scanning and Reputation Server(SRS) only.


    As for the server as it is a single machine, I would advise to uninstall the Server security and reinstall it also. The Offload Scanning  is making sense with multiple hosts offloading part of the work to a dedicated machine.


    Be careful on the server, it is hosting also the Policy Manager. Therefore take the necessary back-ups before uninstallation, to be on the safe side.

  • hussainbah
    hussainbah Posts: 12 Security Scout

    I did for the client and waiting for the result, but not sure what need to be done for the server.


    Do I need to install the F-Secure Server Security alone on the server without F-Secure Policy Manager???

    The server is not showing any interface is that normal too??

    Thanks for your valuable help and your patience

    Best regards



  • hussainbah
    hussainbah Posts: 12 Security Scout

    Thanks alot, the problem resolved for the clients remaining is servers


     The server is still shoing (X) mark on the F-Secure logo and same error in the alert for the server


    Server SW.jpg


    this is the list of  software on the server


    - Is that all what is need??

    - Do i need to uninstall "Offload Scanning Agent" from the server too??

    - Do I need to install the F-Secure Server Security alone on the server without F-Secure Policy Manager???

    - The server is not showing any interface is that normal too??


    please help me to finish up the configration and apply it to all other servers and client



    thanks alot again for your help

  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Hussainbah,


    Yes,the server should be reinstalled without the Offload Scanning Agent, if you wish not to implement an SRS server.

    You can install the Server security in standalone, but that is not necessary as you won't be able to manage it from the PM console in that case.


    You can reach the Server security user interface by launching Start>All Programs> F-Secure>Webconsole or [F-Secure Installation folder]\FSGUI\fsavaui.exe

  • hussainbah
    hussainbah Posts: 12 Security Scout
    Thanks alot dear finally the server and clients are configured properly

    Thanks alot
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