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In Policy Manager Web Reporting what are these second set of numbers 2011-12-14 02:00, 0-00-00 00:00

Brad Posts: 3 Security Scout

- This question can be deleted. I can't figure out how to remove the post. But i resolved the issue. On our Customer Service machines there is a task to reboot their computers on certain days. The reason this one shows 0's is because its a newly imaged machine and it hasn't reached that certain date to do a scheduled reboot so its reporting back 0's.




In Policy Manager Web Reporting what are these second set of numbers 2011-12-14 02:00, 0-00-00 00:00 under Scheduled Tasks Exec time. I was having a problem with both sets of numbers being 0's but figured out the problem was at 2:00am the scheduled task in task manager would not run because the computer was in sleep mode and would not wake to run the task. Now that problems resolved i need to figure out what the second set of numbers (0-00-00 00:00) are for so i can try to resolve that issue on a few computers we have.  Thanks Brad


  • AniaC
    AniaC Posts: 63 Digital Defender
    Hi Brad,
    thank you for your post - and resolving the issue. It's going to stay in the community for future reference - should any other member have a similar question,
This discussion has been closed.
