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RECOMMENDED specs for Policy Manager 11 on 2012 R2

GerardSweeney Posts: 5 Security Scout



I was wondering if someone would mind providing some RECOMMENDED or Real Life specifications for a server running Policy Manager hosted on Server 2012 R2?


The documentation only appears to state a minimum spec of a P4 with 512MB RAM :)

(Unless I'm looking at the wrong thing - it's been a long day)




  • GerardSweeney
    GerardSweeney Posts: 5 Security Scout

    Much obliged!




  • andrzej
    andrzej Posts: 48 Junior Protector

    I see this was already answered; however I woudl strongly reccomend using 2 CPUs especially when you have larger number of nodes. With a single CPU performance was often affected.

    Our virtual server runs both PMS and PMC 11.30 (2012 not 2012R2 though) has dual 2.60GHz CPU 4GB, Ram

    We have close to 1600 users and Java on our virtual server almost instantly after reboot climbs to 500MB while CPU useage once in a while gets up to 50%

    Second 30 GB HD is used exclusively for just F-Secure software, downloads. installers for distribtion, etc. Used space is less than 20GB, whule our H2 database is roughly 5 GB

    Hope this helps


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