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Newly Installed Clients (FSCS9) not reporting to PMS 10

HAn_Support Posts: 1 Cyber Knight



One our customer had encountered a strange issue with PMS 10. Around 20 of their newly installed client had not been registering with PMS 10. 


On the PMC 10 summary page they see 20 systems waiting to be registered but upon clicking on it,





it shows only one system in Auto-Registered Host import page. And this host does not have proper name and not recognaized properly either. Any attempt to delete it results in the following error.







Customer had tried running fsmautil /resetuid with SMBIOS UID and Random UID. And he had tried even reinstalling them clients but it fails to appear on PMS.


If anybody got clue, please share.





  • Siltanen
    Siltanen Posts: 47 Digital Defender

    Hello Ansari,


    Please open a support ticket about this problem. The screenshot would suggest a problem with the database.

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