Upgrade CS 9.11 version via console for remote sites

smy MyAccount Posts: 1 Security Scout
Hi Guys, I was informed that for CS version upgrade using PMC 10, all client will get the installation files from PMS. This is including all remote client. Since our office had more than 50 remote branches scatter throughout the country, upgrading process is becoming a nightmare. Why can't remote client getting the installation file from the PMP instead? Each remote branches has it's dedicated PMP to help ease network traffic. Please help me solve this upgrading issue. Can anyone help with this problem? Can this feature be implement?


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master



    how did you upgrade the remote locations with V9?


    In your situation I would either export a MSI and distribute thoose to remote servers (WSUS) or use remote controlled PM9 Consoles to push the updates on each host.


    Finally what is the size of your remote locations? if they are small (<20 seats) you might think about conversion to F-Secure Protection Service for Business and get rid of those headaches completely. With PSB the sofware updates are distributed by the platform and local clients can share the content of the update package.


    PMP is not really a "PM"-Proxy. it is more an "AU-Proxy". So if Updates should ever go through that, it would require that CS can be completely updated by AUA. This requires significant changes to the client as well as to the PM/AUS/AUA. A feature request for that does exist.




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