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No defintion Updates on Clients

SteffenW Posts: 3 Security Scout



at a Customer site alle connected Client security Premium clients won't update die latest definitions.

In policy console i can see that the loaded definitions on the server are up to date.

I updatet all Clients and the Policy Manager to latest versions. But still the same error.


Any ideas?


  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hi SteffenW,


    This type of problem can have multiple origins. Do the clients have connection to the Policy Manager?


    You might also want to review the fsaua.log on both the client side and Policy Manager or open a support ticket so that we can take a better look at the problem. Please provide fsdiag of both an affected client and the Policy Manager.


  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hi SteffenW,


    This type of problem can have multiple origins. Do the clients have connection to the Policy Manager?


    You might also want to review the fsaua.log on both the client side and Policy Manager or open a support ticket so that we can take a better look at the problem. Please provide fsdiag of both an affected client and the Policy Manager.


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