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PM 9.0 automatic updates, hotfixes and 503 error

CSCmikrotuki MyAccount Posts: 1 Security Scout

After installing Policy manager console 9.0, we found that it complained about virus databases not being up to date.


Read from the forums that hotfixes would solve the issue. Installed all 4 hotfixes listed here:


After this, the Policy manager console wouldn't start, giving a "503 Service unavailable" error.



Clicked to inherit NTFS file permissions on each hotfix file recently installed. Namely these:

'[F-Secure Installation Folder]\Administrator\lib\commons-java-utils.jar'

'[F-Secure Installation Folder]\FSAUA\Program\fsauarep.exe'

'[F-Secure Installation Folder]\Administrator\lib\fsa.jar'

'[F-Secure Installation Path]\Management Server 5\Web Reporting\jetty\webapps\fspmwr.war'


More specifically, rightclick on file, properties, security, advanced, "allow inheritable permissions.."


Policy manager console started working again.


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