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Signature verification problem on F-Secure Client Security 9.10

wbdube MyAccount Posts: 1 Security Scout

I have an error on one of my client. I get the following error on one of the client that is reporting to a policy manager server : The file C:\Program Files\F-Secure\Common\CommDir\policies\policy.bpf did not pass signature verification.


  • klauzser
    klauzser MyAccount Posts: 12 Security Scout

    I am not sure why this issue has been tagged as it has given a solution. I guess I have to call you guys regarding this directly.


    Thanks. image

  • Anden
    Anden Posts: 1 Security Scout



    Isn't there a solution to this? 

    This occurs to me as well. I have successfully installed hundreds of clients, but with a couple of clients i have recieved this message.

    Oh, and i have not reinstalled PCM.



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Anden,


    Still, the most probable issue is wrong on the client.

    So, I would propose to uninstall the product on problematic hosts using uninstalation tool:

    In addition, please, delete



    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Data Fellows

    registry (differs for 32-bit and 64-bit OS),

    and make sure that you don't have any file in F-Secure and/or Windows/User(s) temp folders.

    After that repeat the installation providing correct (push installation from PMC or MSI is best).


    Best regards,




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