Custom Profile with no FireWall

TrondK Posts: 6 Security Scout



I am new to F-Secure and we just started to install it in our organisation.

I have created e Profile where the FW is disabled. I have asigned it to my computer but the FW is still on.

Does anyone know why? Am I doing it the wrong way maybe?


I attached 2 images. Profile Editor and client.


Best regards.


 Profile Editor





  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello TrondK,


    Did you make sure that the profile without firewall has been received and applied on your computer?

  • TrondK
    TrondK Posts: 6 Security Scout

    Yes it is recieved according to the console, but i am not sure since the settings is not there.

    There is no way to check on the client as far as i know.


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello TrondK,


    You can find out if the modified profile is downloaded on the client side in the Client GUI Settings > Other settings > Downloads page. Find your profile name in Title column, and check the time.


    You may also need to use final flags for modified firewall settings in profile.


    Best regards,


  • TrondK
    TrondK Posts: 6 Security Scout

    Hi again.

    Yes it's installed.

    But the firewall is still on.



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Please, try to set final flags for changed Firewall settings in profile.


    Best regards,


  • TrondK
    TrondK Posts: 6 Security Scout


    Final Flags? I am not sure i understand.

    What do you mean by "set final flags"?



  • TrondK
    TrondK Posts: 6 Security Scout

    Thanks. I will try



  • TrondK
    TrondK Posts: 6 Security Scout
    It works :)
  • préalpha
    préalpha Posts: 1 Security Scout


This discussion has been closed.
