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Location of virus definitions database

Neelix Posts: 6 Cyber Knight



just a simple question: Is it possible to move the location of the virus definition database to an other disc?


We are using Citrix Provisionig Services (PVS) to provision our Citrix-Servers with F-Secure for Windows Server installed. It would be great if I could move the database to a persistent drive whereas my system drive is non-persistent.






  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master



    You can select the location of the complete installation during setup, but you can not only relocate the databases. This is because the databases are not independant from the rest of the binaries. FSAUA even updates binaries and if these are old becuse you rebootet the system drive and have new DBs from the other drive you might end up in a non-bboting system!!!


    As for security reasons you would open the image once a week anyway to include new patches for OS, Drivers, Plugins aso. It makes sense to also allow F-Secure to fully update in that "open" phase. Please give F-Secure about 15 Mins before you close the image again. The differentials that F-Secure provides are pretty small so you will not suffer much even after 14 days.


    Using the upcomming 9.20 will also be beneficial as it brings GUID and other improvements for virtual environments.


    May I ask what you run on the servers? The setup is pretty "rare". Most setups would run the system images in persistent mode as well...



  • Neelix
    Neelix Posts: 6 Cyber Knight



    we boot up to 15 Citrix XenServer with PublishDesktops. These servers boot  a streamed read-only vDisk via PXE and have a local cache disc. The servers a rebooted once a week.


    F-Secure is install in the master image. The master is only used when we have to update Software and once a moth to intregrate Windows Updates.



  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master



    with Citrix Servers and Published Desktops you should even more wait for the new 9.20 or subscribe for piloting. Also you need to obey the licensing rules as AV4 servres is not the right product for Citrix. Please contact your F-Secure Partner for correct licensing.


    From technical point of view please stick to the above mentioned way of alowing F-Secure to regularly update it's databases and binaries in the master. I would recommend to do that the night before you reboot the servers. Reboot one of the Servers the same night and the rest the next night.


    When rebooting make sure you have activated randomized Updateing in AUA-Settings, otherwise your servers will run into an IO and performance problem as they would all fetch updates at the same time. A complete denial of service could be the result. each virtual servers will use ONE CPU-core at 100% while th update is running.


    Ranomized AUA is also available for 9.0 if you apply a hotfix.


    If you still face problems please do not hesitate to ask (or call).




  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    Ignore this post!

    (sorry, had to remove the (wrong) link to the hotfix mentioned, but also can not finde the right one.)



  • Neelix
    Neelix Posts: 6 Cyber Knight



    I found a product F-Secure für Citrix-Servers, but the download file is the same as F-Secure for Windows Servers.


    When will 9.20 be released? Where can I subscribe for piloting?



  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    The Installer binary is the same butthe installation and licensing is different.


    9.20 is in RC at the moment.



    This is a unified installer for Citrix, Server and Exchange. use it with your existing keycode (the included one is installing a trial only).

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