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Is policy manager proxy working?

AndyCGN Posts: 3 Security Scout

Hi there,

I'm wondering if policy manager proxy is working correctly. In the "log" log file I always see something like:

Jun-29-16:14:18.538 3-WRN 00107210 1368 Mux::mux_main : socket 296 ( main_mux(): connection broken (client :


Every monday morning there is a huge networkload from our policy manager server to our branch offices, I guess because of a policy manager proxy disfunction.


Can somebody help?


thx Andy


(I already post this message in the home security board, wrong board, sorry for that)


  • AndyCGN
    AndyCGN Posts: 3 Security Scout
    Hi there, I'm wondering if policy manager proxy is working correctly. In the "log" log file I always see something like: Jun-29-16:14:18.538 3-WRN 00107210 1368 Mux::mux_main : socket 296 ( main_mux(): connection broken (client : Every monday morning there is a huge networkload from out policy manager server to our branch offices, I guess because of a policy manager proxy disfunction. Can somebody help? thx Andy
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 15 Cybercrime Crusader

    Is this referring to one of the business products? If so, then your post belongs here:

    If you'd like to check out those boards, you may find the answer to your issue anyway. :)
  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello @AndyCGN,



    In order to really be able to check the implementation of your Policy Manager Proxy, please open a support ticket and provide and fsdiag.


    PS: I moved your posts together on the correct thread under the correct board.


  • AndyCGN
    AndyCGN Posts: 3 Security Scout
    OK, I've open a support ticket
This discussion has been closed.
