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PSB Email and Server Security performance issue with Citrix

Clyde007 Posts: 1 Security Scout

Dear Community Members



Who has some ideas for optimizing PSB ESS on Citrix platform?


Whenever I' m looking into the recommendations of Citrix and using it I still facing issues with slow performance during login of the user sessions. 

Do F-Secure support scanning on write only modus? So files that are read only are not scanned?


The site above mentioned also some AV vendors with recommendations of excluding advices.

What about the recommendations of F-Secure?






  • HKlinge
    HKlinge Posts: 1 Security Scout

    The official answer from 2013-02-20 was "No":



    It is not possible to configure the product to scan files only based on created/modified actions.




  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    Maybe you could try to lessen the Citrix server's burden by off-loading most of the virus-scanning job to a pair of F-Secure SVCE/SRS virtual appliances?


    (With the upcoming F-Secure Policy Manager 12.10 there will be some changes which make this setup more resilient and manageable.)


    Yours Sincerely: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

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