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My F-Secure

Niko70 MyAccount Posts: 2 Security Scout

Hello Community!

I've just registered with My F-Secure, but in "My Status" section, I cannot see my purchased products (F-Secure AV for Mac and Mobile Security). What can I do? Thank you in advance for your kind attention



  • Stephan
    Stephan Posts: 26 Threat Terminator

    Hi Niko,


    Did you purchase those products from our webshop?


    Because, only purchases done from our webshop (using your account) will be visible in "My F-Secure".


    Best regards,


  • Niko70
    Niko70 MyAccount Posts: 2 Security Scout

    Dear Stephan, thank you for answering me.


    Yes, I purchased my products on F-Secure's on-line e-shop (Asknet).

    This were the items:

    - Antivirus for Mac ... order number: 206198423 (01-11-2011)

    - Mobile Security... order number: 206436681 (10-01-2012)


    Is that information of any help? I hope so.







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