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PSB + Freedom for business endpoint and mobile total cover

ITom Posts: 7 Security Scout

Hi there


So I am right before implementation of the endpoint clients and my plan was to implement it to all computers and mobile devices of my users, except for IOS devices which aren't covered by Mobile Security.


And then I learned about freedom for business, which seems to be a better mobile protection suite.


So now I am thinking, use Protection service for business product to cover laptops/servers and freedom to cover mobile devices (without leaving behind the iphone users).



Can you please share your point of view or experience implementing similar solution and if you can answer this:


1. is freedom for business managed from PSB (cloud portal) as well?

2. is it as good of a malware protection/MDM for android phones as freedom is?

3. Does it work good globally? I have users in Israel/USA 



Thanks in advance




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