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License Key is visible in client computers

Embo Posts: 1 Security Scout



Just noticed that our company's PSB's licence key is visible in client computers. As seen in the pic.

How do I prevent that?  Allready some students have been able to install Fsecure in their own computers....






  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Embo,


    Unfortunately, it's not possible to hide the subscription key in client UI in the current version.

    As a workaround, you can remove unwanted computers from the portal.

    The client will expire on them, and it will not be possible to register it again with the same subscription key.


    Best regards,


  • RobertoSilvaChu
    RobertoSilvaChu Posts: 33 Junior Protector

    One way is workaround this issue.


    If your user dont need change anything in the configurations (or you dont want them to have access to configurations(, you can block access to the configurations in the workstation.


    In the Policy Manager, change to advanced mode.

    Go to F-Secure -> F-Secure Management Agent -> Settings -> User Interface -> Change settings locally

    Change Local user allowed to change settings = Nobody

    Remote users allowed to change settings = Nobody


    Just distribute the policy and after this your users cant open the configuration settings from your Client Security. If they need update the policy, just use tasks (in Client Security) to perform this action.


    Hope helped you.



    Roberto Chu

  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master

    Dear Roberto Chu,


    The original question was about FSAV PSB, the SMB market product. There, the licence key visibility situation is more serious, because the 20-digit activation codes are supposed to be unique for each and every customers.


    In case of FSCS, nobody needs to nab the activation code from the GUI, since the code is fixed per major product version and is the same for all customers... It can be found online with 3 minute googling. What needs to be guarded from access in FSCS + Policy Manager is the customer ID code (1-...), which is the basis of licence overuse prevention.


    I think F-Secure Corp. should provide a method for making FSAV PSB codes invisible or undecipherable to the end user at the endpoint computer. A russian competitor has a clever solution to that kind of problem: it is necessary to enter a 20-digit code to activate the AV product,  but afterwards it will be visible in the GUI as a transformed 31/32 digit string. Decoding the 20-digit code from long form is only possible if you have access to their partner support webportal.

This discussion has been closed.
