comunication between two Policy Manager ?

TGE Posts: 4 Security Scout



We have a direct line to an chiniese comapny and from there the line to another indonasia site.

The line is so bad that the policy manager proxy in indonasia could not poll the central server. 

Is it possible to get and share all information from the chiniese site? This line is better. 

The ports would not blocked or something other. 


Thanks for your support.





  • Buta
    Buta Posts: 12 Security Scout



    Please provide the following information:

    1) Where is Policy Manager Server located?

    2) Where is Policy Manager Proxy located?

    3) Which communication line is bad?

    4) How many lines do you have?

  • TGE
    TGE Posts: 4 Security Scout



    Thanks for your help.


    1) Where is Policy Manager Server located?

        - The PMS is in Germany 

    2) Where is Policy Manager Proxy located?

        - i have one in China and one in Indonesia 

    3) Which communication line is bad?

       - I get no informations and communication to the side to indonesia from germany. to china is ok but not to Ind. 

    4) How many lines do you have?

       - we have one VPN line to China and from China to Indonesia

       - the communication is on port 80



  • Buta
    Buta Posts: 12 Security Scout

    Do we get it correctly that you want the Policy Manager Proxy in Indonesia to get the updates from Policy Manager Proxy in China, instead of the central server?

  • TGE
    TGE Posts: 4 Security Scout

    If it is possible, yes.Smiley Wink


  • TGE
    TGE Posts: 4 Security Scout

    Yes ok. I found a way. 


    thanks a lot!!!!


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