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False positive or not, in Windows 10: KMS-R@1nook.exe

risolviamo Posts: 3 Security Scout

I've just noticed tha t a file, c:\windows\KMS-R@1nook.exe, is identified as Riskware, Application.Patcher.T by PSB Workstation 10.60.

The file name is quite strange, but it is on a new Acer PC and a new MSI all-in-one, just installed and never used by anybody. Both PCs are installed with Windows 10 Pro OEM.


Searching on the web I've found references to a Key Management System, but I've found nothing relevant on microsoft web sites.


Does anybody know something more precise about this file. Should it be considered riskware or not?





  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello risolvamio,


    In order to confirm the nature of this file, please proceed to submit it to our Lab.

  • risolviamo
    risolviamo Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Thanks, I've submitted the files.


    I'll report here the answer of the team, if any.

This discussion has been closed.
