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Software Updater - Forced Reboot.

SMunken Posts: 10 Security Scout



I have recently been experimenting with fscspr and the added functionality of the updater.

Everything is up and running and i have succesfully updated various 3rd party applications.


Yesterday and multiple times today, i've run into a issue, where the installation of Java 7u79 finishes, and the computer reboots without warning. 


I have checked the policy setting and made sure it doesn't inherit "Force Restart"


From the Windows eventlog(tranlated from danish):

The process C:\ProgramData\F-Secure\FSOFTUPD\deploy\SafeReboot.exe (P08940SMCC01) has initiated a reboot of computer P08940SMCC01 on behalf of user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM for the following reason: Program: Installation (planned)

Code: 0x80040002

Closingtype?: Reboot


Has anybody else run into this problem?




Simon Munk




  • andyYkh
    andyYkh Posts: 5 Security Scout

    Hi SMunken,


    With regards to your problem, I would suggest you to open a Support Ticket so that we can investigate what is going on:


    Best Regards,
    Andy Yoon

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  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    The ability to apply security patches without rebooting afterwards is a myth. It doesn't even work correctly on Linux/BSD. You are going to run into problems sooner than later if you apply hotfixes on Windows and shun immediate rebooting. The end result will be OS and applications re-install.


    I think patching should be done during off-work hours, via Wake-on-LAN if necessary and then let the computers reboot to truly finish the process.


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

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