Dropped support Release note PM 12

gvaccarello Posts: 21 Security Scout



To be sure, in the release note of the PM 12, it is mentioned that the support of Windows server 2003 and Xp are dropped. Do they mean that we cannot install anymore the PM on a Windows 2003 or XP client or do they mean that we cannot manage anymore Fsecure clients installed on a Windows 2003 or XP?






  • gerema
    gerema Posts: 18 Junior Protector

    Hello Giacomo,


    PM 12 Release Notes contains information about Policy Manager installation, not the clients one.

    It doesn't mean Policy Manager is not functional on platforms not listed as 'supported'. Most likely, it will work. However, we do not perform release testing for those platforms, therefore cannot guarantee that PM will work as supposed.

  • gvaccarello
    gvaccarello Posts: 21 Security Scout

    Thanks for all those informations

  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master

    Dear Sirs,


    A customer has just sent us screenshots and it looks like he somehow managed to install full PMS + PMC ver 12.00.67239 on a Windows 2003 Standard SP2 Server running FSAV (E)SS 11.00, even though W2k3 is officially unsupported!


    I wonder what happened? Maybe he did it via upgrade from 11.3x, but the F-Secure install wizard forgot to check the OS version?


    Yours Sincerely: Tamas Feher, Hungary.



  • gerema
    gerema Posts: 18 Junior Protector

    Dear Tamas,


    The fact that release notes for PM 12.00 do not list Windows 2003 as a supported platform does not mean that it will not work on that OS.

    It only means that F-Secure no longer performs release testing with this OS, therefore we can’t declare with all certainty that the product is fully functional in such an environment.


    It is still possible to install PM on Windows 2003. However, you do that at your own risk.

This discussion has been closed.
