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FSPM 12.error when trying to delete a disconnected client

knystrom Posts: 3 Security Scout

So I´m running FSPM 12 on a Windows 2008 R2  with a few servers and clients connected. One of the clients was reinstalled and naturally I wanted to delete the old account from FSPM. Unfortunatly I get the following message when I try to delete the account:




A connected host can be deleted without this error. The services and server has been restarted.

Has anyone seen this behavior?


I did open a case with the F-Secure Support a week ago but I have not heard anything from them.




  • Laksh
    Laksh Posts: 237 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hi knystrom,


    Could you post your ticket number as a private message to me so that I can inform our support team for a response?

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