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error when i submit support request

vh85 Posts: 2 Security Scout

Since two days,when i try to submit a support request, i get this error:

"The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator. 1450859057393:500-76"

I tried in french and in english, the error is the same, tried also with different browsers...

What can i do ?




  • vh85
    vh85 Posts: 2 Security Scout

    Hi ,

    It's ok now with this link. I can't see the difference with the web page i was trying to use but it works ..


    Thank you

  • Laksh
    Laksh Posts: 237 Cybercrime Crusader

    Thanks for the update vh85! Glad to know the support request submission works as before.

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