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F-Secure Policy Manager virus alerts and actions

vcLQrj61 Posts: 1 Security Scout



We're forwarding alerts from Policy Manager to a syslog server and some of the log messages are ambiguous.


What's the difference between "Virus Alert!" with message="Malicious code found in file $FOO. Infection: $BAR" (no Action field), and "Virus alert" with message="Malicious code found in file $FOO. Infection: $BAR Action: none."


What did the F-Secure Client Security do with those, and should we be doing some manual cleaning on these artefacts?


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello vcLQrj61,


    Please, contact support. We need more detailed information from your machine with Client Security for investigation.


    Best Regards,


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